Mycterothrips albiziae Masumoto & Okajima, 2024
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本種は雌雄異形で、オスの触角第6節は長く発達し、メスのそれとは大きく異なるが、M. egonokiよりはかなり短く、第1~5節を足した長さの0.6倍程度の長さ。これまで本州のみから得られており、6~9月に本州の平地からやや標高の高いところのネムノキの葉に見られ、チャノキイロアザミウマ、ビワハナアザミウマ、ハナアザミウマ、アカメガシワクダアザミウマなどと一緒に採集される。形態的特徴はダイズアザミウマによく似る。本種はダイズアザミウマよりも体色が濃く、オスは触角第6節がより長く微刺を持つことで容易に識別できるが、メスではやや識別が難しい。本種はこれまでネムノキ以外では採集されていない一方、ダイズアザミウマはダイズやインゲン等のいくつかのマメ科の他、クワやキュウリからも得られているがネムノキからは得られていないようである。
M. albiziae indicates sexial dimorphisum: male antennal segment VI is elongate and much longer than that of female but much shorter than that of M. egonoki and about 0.6 times as long as combined length of segments I-V. This species has been collected from Honshu, Japan only so far. It hass been collected from leaves of Albizia juribrissin together with several thrips species such as Scirtothrips dorsalis、Thrips coloratus、Thrips hawaiiensis and Haplothrips brevitubus at low-lying to slightly higher elevation areas since June to September.It is very similar to M. glycines. It is usually dark in body colour than M. glycines, and in male it can be easily distinguished from the latter species by having antennal segment VI with a few microtrichia and longer than that of the later species, whereas in female distinguishing both species is slightly difficult. This species has been collected from Albizia juribrissin only so far. In contrast, M. glycines has been collected from not only several Fabaceae such as Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris but also Morus and cucumber. However, M. glycines seems to have been not collected from Albizia juribrissin.
Female head and thorax
Male head and thorax
Habitat:Albizia juriburissin ネムノキ
Habitat:Albizia juriburissin ネムノキ